Data silos and the post-cookie era: how marketers can overcome landscape changes and internal barriers
Security, safety and privacy have long been qualities held at the top of the agenda for financial brands. Banks and...
Blog Series – Data Privacy: Everything you need to know – Part II
PART II - Preparing for Data-Privacy in the post third-party cookie world After the quick introduction on third party...
Google confirms the new direction in data privacy, how does it impact you?
Google has just made a big announcement that confirmed the long-awaited speculation that the company will not replace...
How to stop the walled gardens from becoming the beginning, middle and end of your customer data
After growing concerns around the privacy of third-party cookies, Google announced last year that it would completely...
Blog Series – Data Privacy: Everything you need to know
PART I - Losing the third-party cookie and what that means On the 25th of May, 2018 a law came into effect that would...
The destinations in demand as vaccines raise hopes of a travel restart
Demand for travel in the summer of 2021 is still a mystery to both travel brands and consumers alike. We hope that...
Understanding Consumer Behavior On Financial Resources In The New Normal
Financial institutions have used data to fuel marketing efforts for many years. Banks, for example, have leveraged...
How to prepare for a post-pandemic travel surge
"Industry leaders have frequently spoken about pent-up demand in the travel sector, caused by the various lockdowns...
Pursuing privacy-first marketing strategies: what retailers need to consider
Following the announcement of a third national lockdown last week, it’s clear that consumers’ shopping habits won’t be...
Fraud Prevention and User Experience: How Finance Institutions can Navigate the Increasingly Complex Digital Challenge
Well, here we go again. As Covid-19 cases continue to surge and local officials impose restrictions, brick and mortar...